Reputations At Risk

The world has changed. With the universal availability of the internet, organizations can no longer afford to ignore the magnifying power of social media and complaints sites where one exasperated customer can readily join with allies and quickly annihilate a company’s reputation.

Here you can find how to avoid management mistakes as well as how to support those whose behavior reinforces good reputations.

Our Mission

In Danger Of Losing Your Reputation?

The Fastest Growing Financial & Social Hazard

There are many ways in which the reputation of a company or an individual can be damaged. As well as deficiencies in the quality of products or services, the category of vulnerabilities that are most likely to trigger client anger is the poor responsiveness, clarity and caring behind the communications they receive.

A company does not need to be found to be criminally guilty for a reputation to be undermined. Typically lack of respect comes about far sooner than the letter of the law gets involved.

At its core, loss of reputation always comes down to failing to deliver on what a customer or another stakeholder considers is expected from the prime party, often compounded by unsympathetic communications.


Loss Of Business Reputation

Don’t even pretend you care. You are impossible to work with …

Part of the challenge is that reputational risks can seem to erupt out of nowhere but with the wisdom of hindsight it is always possible to look back and see how symptoms of the reputational disaster were misjudged.

Many organizations have little idea how frustrating, insulting and punishing it is for clients to be made to deal with web sites that just do not work in the hands of those who are made to use them.

The resulting sense of suffering and rage has no other way of expression unless the victims of the failed calloused communication technologies can somehow get their own back on the uncaring company that shows neither accountability nor civility.